Wednesday 27 July 2011

Super Review

Some of the plot decisions may seems rather strange and the humour may not be as forthcoming as expected considering the cast, but for what it is, Super is an entertaining movie, though probably one that might have seemed a little more original if it had come out before Kick-Ass.

Super heroes are dumb. Yeah that’s right, they are. Admit it, dudes (or ladies!) running around in spandex fighting crime, at its core, is a silly concept, no matter how well Christopher Nolan can make Batman films. Super fully embraces this silliness and bring us a super hero film along the same lines as Kick-Ass (though possibly even more down to earth), demonstrating that in the real world being a super hero would be far from its cartoonish depiction. Not all suave acrobatics, witty one liners and glitzy costumes, more likely rampant violence, murder, and a warped sense of justice by those with some definite emotional issues.

Sunday 24 July 2011

From the DVD Shelf: La Horde Review

Edit: If you think about it...this could be a lost sequel to 28 weeks later. O' God don't I wish that it was!

La Horde doesn’t do anything special to the already saturated Zombie film market, that said, the action and special effects are good enough to make it enjoyable; it’s also French.

I have always thought that Zombies, and the Zombie Apocalypse (which is soon to come!) are always good subject matter for films. That said, there sure have been a lot of things with Zombies in over the past decade. Not only in films, but in books and in games as well. Perhaps this has led to some heightened Zombie saturation which makes it difficult for the more standard Zombie Genre films to stand out. That said, there is still room for the unique Zombie horror to stand up above the rest. La Horde certainly isn’t that film. It doesn’t really do anything new with the Zombie format, in reasons for their appearance or in attributes. Nor does its story focus on anything else enough to make it unique in that respect. It is truly your most standard of standard Zombie films. That said though, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t in some ways enjoyable. Afterall I presume many will be coming to this film, not for some new zombie innovations, nor for plot or character development, but rather to see some hardcore zombie killing action – and there sure is some hardcore Zombie killing action.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

From Sky Box Office: Drive Angry Review

It might not be the crazy unhinged performance that fans of Nicolas Cage were hoping for, but for what it is, it is still an enjoyable low maintenance action film, if one that tries a little too hard to be intentionally dumb.

Dumb films can be fun, and I’m the first to embrace something that throws reality out the window and focuses on ridiculous onscreen antics. Drive Angry certainly attempts to be just this, mimicking the grindhouse/exploitation genre with all its blood, guts, naked ladies, fast cars and ridiculous over the top action. Sadly for Drive Angry, some of this total over the top-ness felt somewhat forced and somewhat at odds with other more serious aspects of the film. It is just trying too hard to be over the top, that in the end, it is dumb, but with little of the enjoyment that comes with that. That said, there is probably enough action (and just enough nakedness) to keep you from considering this question too deeply, that is until the credits roll.

Friday 1 July 2011

Trailers: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

The trailer for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (based on a 1970's spy novel of the same name), is out! And it definitely looks intriguing. It's the 1970's and there's a soviet mole somewhere within MI6 and it lies upon George Smiley to find it. From the trailer I can already tell that it's going to be a slow burn, more chock full with heavy conversations and suspicious looks than action, which is not necessarily a bad thing. You can't really help but be excited when you take a look at the cast; Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, Mark Strong and Benedict Cumberbatch to name a few - certainly a on screen force to be reckoned with. I am officially excited.

Trailers: War Horse

From Novel to Stage Show, it seemed almost inevitable that War Horse would make an on screen appearance at some point. Well that time is now (or should I say, December of this year - a release date which suggests it is being aimed squarely at this years awards). The first trailer is out, and well, there's a horse, its WW1, and heartbreak seems soon round the corner. I got a massive Black Beauty vibe off of it - as in you can tell its going to bone crushingly emotional. It seems an interesting subject matter, judging how important animals were in the first world war, and I'm hoping there will be a good dollop of action alongside all the tugging at heart strings which always coincides with animals in peril. The tears are welling up inside me already!