Wednesday 29 June 2011

Trailers: Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol

The new trailer for the new mission impossible film, subtitled Ghost Protocol, has been released today (see above to the big video shaped box). Perhaps it was just the fact that the trailer was well put together, but I’m actually feeling rather good about the prospect of another Impossible Mission for Tom Cruise despite so-so nature of the 3rd film. From the trailer it seems that it will consist of all you would expect a Mission Impossible film to contain, Tom cruise kicking dudes, fast cars, pretty girls, explosions and ridiculous stunts (or some wild combination of the above). Also Simon Pegg seems to be playing a rather major role, which, as a fan of all things Simon Pegg, I’m certainly happy about. It will also be interesting to see how Director Brad Bird (that's Brad Bird, not Big Bird) will transition from his career as a director of animated films to some live action, action. I feel confident! Let’s hope this new iteration on the mission impossible franchise will return to its roots and be somewhat incomprehensible on first viewing! Yeah!

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Review

You may have thought that the transformers series could simply not get any worse after Revenge of the Fallen. Boy did you think wrong...

He did it again. Michael Bay tricked me into hoping, just that tiny hope, that the new Transformers film wouldn’t but another total steaming pile of trash. That first teaser trailer was actually rather exciting and my eyes boggled at the possibilities of distorting something as cool as the moon landing into the transformers fiction. And do you know what Michael Bay does with all that potential? Absolutely nothing. Instead he brings us another Transformers movie, one that is even worse than those previous films in the series, a feat seemingly unimaginable. So now I’m going to write a review, detailing all the things I hated about Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and you are free to read that, or, if you do not have the time, you could just read this sentence and get on with your lives: Do Not Go And See Transformers: Dark of the Moon – It is simply, irredeemably awful.